Robles v. Dominos Pizza LLC

Case Movement

Case Details

  • Case Status: Decided
  • Docket Number: Case No. 17-55504
  • Category: Regulatory Overreach

In the Dominos case, the trial court granted the defendant’s Motion to Dismiss because DOJ has not promulgated regulations with regard to websites, which “are necessary for the Court to determine what obligations a regulated individual or institution must abide by in order to comply with Title III.” We filed an amicus brief in support of that ruling, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed the trial court’s decision. After attending oral argument in the Dominos case, we were not surprised by the ruling in the Ninth Circuit.


In the Dominos case, the trial court granted the defendant’s Motion to Dismiss because DOJ has not promulgated regulations with regard to websites, which “are necessary for the Court to determine what obligations a regulated individual or institution must abide by in order to comply with Title III.” We filed an amicus brief in support of that ruling, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed the trial court’s decision. After attending oral argument in the Dominos case, we were not surprised by the ruling in the Ninth Circuit.