Thomas et al. v. JSTC, LLC et al.

Case Movement

Case Details

  • Case Status: Pending
  • Docket Number: 22-14191-H
  • Category: Labor Relations


In this case, the district court refused to approve a payment to named plaintiffs in exchange for a general release in a Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) collective action, which was negotiated separately from the parties’ settlement. The question presented on appeal is whether the district court erred in finding that the monetary consideration provided to the named plaintiffs pursuant to a general release separately negotiated by experienced counsel was improper.

July 7, 2023

The Restaurant Law Center filed an amicus curiae brief in which, besides raising sound legal arguments, it highlights that if the lower court’s decision is allowed to stand it would add substantial complexity to the resolution of disputes, to the detriment of employees whose backpay or other negotiated relief is unnecessarily delayed, and at great cost to employers, who rely on the certainty that negotiated releases provide.